
根據我的選股原則, 一共有 3 檔股票曾經看起來是不錯的. 那就是紅電醫、新麗、和佳邦. 當然還有最早以價值選股 (當時沒有靠數據) 挑出來的聚陽. 經過了這一波的台股反彈, 其實成績各有表現.

聚陽, 手上的成本從 24.5~66 NTD 都有, 現在漲回到 34.3 NTD (午休的數據, 收盤後變成 34.9 NTD), 整體而言, 算是虧錢. 今年以來則是賺了 8.34%. 傳說今年會配息 1.5 NTD, 所以暫定會留著.

新麗, 股性真的不活潑. 我本來就是指望價值投資, 不要殺進殺出. 所以並不指望它很快會漲.但是近來它的本益比已經偏高, 今年只會配息 0.2 NTD, 我想我還是去換股好了.

佳邦, 好像也買得不是很好, 目前也是在小虧的狀態. 它今年不配息, 只配股票 0.5 元. 嗯, 要觀察它的基本面, 有空再研究一下.

紅電醫, 這一支最好, 報酬率 48.31%, 最近幾乎連 4 支漲停板 (買進後共 6 次漲停吧!?). 不過我也不知道為甚麼? 剛才看了一下個股新聞, 原來要配 0.8 元的現金 (和 1 元的股票?). 但光是這種題材, 應該也不至於這麼猛, 可能與新上市不久, 籌碼輕有關.

既然紅電醫這麼好, 我好像應該要刪減一下持股數目, 集中火力. 4 支股票我也沒辦法關心, 還要加上自己公司的少少股票, 這樣太傷神了.

宏致電子, 拿到當天就賣了, 當然是報酬率 150% 以上. 中籤真的是最好賺!


http://a4112.pixnet.net/blog/post/8238771 <- 佳邦新聞網站

看起來佳邦的問題是 GPS 銷量下降, 雖然以前打下了很好的基礎, 但是去年 EPS 比我們公司還低. 螃蟹公司是因為被 3Com 告得慘兮兮, 而立昌科技都還沒有正式向佳邦提告呢! 佳邦就已經這樣了…


Dolby MS10 簡介

Dolby 公司做音效, 大家應該都知道. 但是 MS10 這個名詞可能就令人相當陌生了, 只有業內的人才會留意. 所謂 MS 就是 Multi-Stream, 10 就是第十代的 decoder.

MS10 的內容包括 Dolby Digital Plus, HE AAC 兩種 decoder, 以及 HE-AAC 到 Dolby Digital 的 Transcoder. 因為在歐洲國家, 不是 support HE-AAC Decoer (Dolby Pulse) + Dolby Digital Encoder, 就是 support Dolby Digital Plus.

這個消息在 2009/3/23 發佈, 不過 Dolby 早就在著手於 MS11 了. 因為 DTS 也擠進 Broadcast 領域的關係, Dolby 亟思將它趕出去. 

DTS 的優勢就是偽 backward compatible 的相容性, 號稱一個 bit stream 可以適用於各種等級的 DTS decoder. 因此 Dolby 的殺招就是讓它的相容性無法發揮作用, 至於是哪一招, 大家可以推測看看…


Mar 23, 2009 08:00 ET 
New Dolby Multistream Decoder Bridges HE AAC and Dolby Digital Plus Standards
Flexible Solution for New European HDTV Broadcasting Specifications and Next-Generation Broadcast Services

SAN FRANCISCO –(Business Wire)– Mar 23, 2009 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE:DLB) announced today the new Dolby® Multistream Decoder, a licensable multiformat audio decoding technology that supports Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby Pulse in a single package for next generation HDTVs and set top boxes.

In Europe, various industry groups such as Digital Video Broadcasting, the European Broadcasting Union and DIGITALEUROPE (formerly known as EICTA) have recommended Dolby Digital Plus and HE AAC as the audio coding systems for next-generation broadcast transmissions. In addition, individual national forums have specified these audio systems for their respective HD formats. Dolby Digital Plus decoding brings premium audio support and full compatibility with existing Dolby Digital broadcasts. Dolby Pulse (Dolby’s implementation of HE AAC) can extend the Dolby experience to an even wider range of bandwidth constrained services and new online opportunities.

The new decoder, also known as the Dolby MS10 Multistream Decoder, decodes both Dolby Digital Plus and HE AAC audio and therefore can assist manufacturers in meeting new MPEG-4 terrestrial receiver specifications in several European countries, including Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway (HE AAC only with transcoder), Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It also enables new audio mixing options to enhance presentation for viewers with vision impairments, as required or recommended in several European countries, including Sweden and the UK.

“We’re confident that the Dolby Multistream Decoder will not only aid manufacturers in reducing the cost and complexity of integrating audio technologies into their TVs and set top boxes, but it also will aid greatly in simplifying product development and testing,” said Tom Daily, Senior Director of Marketing, Broadcast Segment at Dolby Laboratories, Inc.

Other key benefits of the Dolby Multistream Decoder include:

  • Full compatibility with Dolby metadata and consumers’ existing DVD home cinema systems with all Dolby and HE AAC transmission formats
  • Full multichannel support (transcoder) for Dolby Pulse in addition to Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus decoding and conversion—one Dolby Digital output for all input formats
  • Support for audio description services delivered “receiver-mix” style using two simultaneous instances of Dolby Pulse, Dolby Digital, or Dolby Digital Plus decoders, respectively—all for the price of a single decoder instance
  • Support for multiprogram Dolby Digital Plus streams (main and associated audio delivered in the same audio stream)
  • Ability to decode AAC, HE AAC v.1, and HE AAC v.2 bitstreams

Dolby MS10 Multistream Decoder implementation and system kits are available starting today. For more information, please visit www.dolby.com/ms10.

Dolby Pulse

Dolby Pulse is the newest addition to Dolby’s comprehensive portfolio of high-quality audio technologies, and is designed to meet the varying needs of broadcasters and operators in different regions. Complementing Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse addresses next-generation applications where bandwidth efficiency is critical. Based on a consistent code base and equipped with support of various metadata, Dolby Pulse is designed to provide consistent and predictable results throughout the broadcast chain.

Because it is based on the AAC family of codecs, a Dolby Pulse decoder can decode AAC, HE AAC v.1, and HE AAC v.2 bitstreams. Dolby Pulse stands apart from the standard MPEG-4 HE AAC core because it integrates all the metadata parameters as required to be considered a broadcast audio system, like Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby Digital.

Dolby Pulse also offers significant improvements in the following areas:

  • Decoder stability: Offers highly optimized switching times between channel configurations and improved reliability when used in a system with Dolby Pulse encoders
  • Error concealment: Ensures reliable broadcast audio performance
  • Decoder requirements in terms of memory and computational complexity: Dolby Pulse decoding within the Dolby Multistream Decoder platform is integrated into a combined code base that is optimized for H.264 system-on-chip architectures
  • Encoder audio quality: Offers superior audio quality compared to other parametric audio codecs

About Dolby Laboratories

Visit www.dolby.com for more information.

Dolby Laboratories
David Yang, 415-645-5679 (Media)

